During decades under Papaji and Vidhwaans, scholars, who visited Sagar Villa I have retained an ‘Evolution’ vedantic philosophy which I cannot authenticate. There are jeevs, living creatures, with different kalas, different no. of qualities, functions. One Kala jeevs are like mountains, who can see, hear, perhaps feel but cannot speak, cannot move, age does not affect them, hence no mukti (salvation). They have to wait for something like an earth quake to end their Jeevan Leela – life’s journey. Two kala jeevs are flora. They can hear, see, interact, react to sound and music, feed themselves through osmosis but cannot walk or shift. They are Jad Yoni – root species. Then we have 3 kala from ‘eggs’, 4 kala man, 5 to 6 kala ‘evolved souls’ like Gautam Budh, Mahavir etc., from 7 kala onwards ‘avtaars’ – incarnations –
starting from ‘Matsya’ – fish – (only lives in water) to ‘Kurma’ – tortoise (amphibians – lives on land and water)‘Varaha’ – Boar – (lives on land has lungs) – ‘Narsimha’ – (half animal half man), – ‘Vaman’ – (midget man) ‘Parshuram’ (angry man), – 12 – Barah – kala – ‘Shri Ram’ – (ideal man) and finally 16 – sola – Sampoorana kala avatar ‘Shri Krishna’ – philosopher, statesman, complete GodhoodÂ
Darwin’s Evolution Theory
Darwin’s Evolution theory seems to be evolved from this Vendantic concept. Out of all the different kala
jeevs, my wife Neelam’s experience is uncanny with 2 kala jeevs plants, trees, flora flowers, foliage. After our marriage I advised her to delve in this amazing never ending world / universe of plants. A forest or a garden gives you soul level peace. They say you can feel God in the forest. The reason could be that plants have practically no karm. Unlike the animal kingdom, practically all of them do not hurt or kill or eat meat. Like 4 kala jeevs ‘man’, they do not indulge in karmic cycle acts. If you throw stones at them in return they give you fruits. Even in death with mukti their dead wood burns itself to give warmth with fire. You can speak to them and they listen silently giving blessings. You take care of them; they in return take care of you.
As bio physicist Indian scientist Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose put it “all around us, the plants are communicating we just don’t notice it”. Once Neelam and myself sleeping the night at our Tooth Mountain farm in Karjat heard a mysterious loud thud noise. Coincidently deep in the night, Neelam rolled over the edge of the bed in her sleep and got miraculously saved from a major fracture of the hip or leg. In the morning going around the lake we found a huge mango tree uprooted at the roots fallen on the ground. There was no reason we could deduct except that the tree had knowledge of the fall and had silently sacrificed itself for Neelam since she had personally taken care of the huge tree for years. Imagine Neelam has managed to propagate Anthuriums and Orchids in her Nursery in a place like Karjat by taking care of them like a mother, talking to them in whispers, showering love and affection, treating them like her babies. People say she has a green thumb but I feel the love of a mother and child is what makes them dance with her be it her vertical green walls or over 1000 nursery plants of different varieties.Â