(Other names: Sankaadi, Sankadik Rishi, Son Of Lord Brahma)
The father of this Universe Brahmaji had four sons as manasputra (son born by wish and not by coition) – Sanak, Sanandan, Sanat kumar and Sanatan.
These four together became famous as Sankadi. All these four were of the same age and always lived together. They got the knowledge of Bhagwat (one of the eighteen Puranas) and the worship of God.
The knowledge was passed on from Narayan (Vishnu) to Brahmaji, from Brahmaji to Sankadi, from Sankadi to Devarshi Narad, from Narad to Maharshi Ved Vyas, to Shukdev from Ved Vyas and from Shukdev to Parikshit and Sutji and this way the light of knowledge was spread all over the world.
Due to their “Carrying act” of the tradition of the knowledge of worshipping God, Sankadis are known as the first teachers of knowledge.
These Manasputras of Brahma apart from being the principal of Philosophy were also meditators, great Pandits with religious books, indifferent and not interested in worldly matters.
According to their opinion, the better way for liberation was worshipping God compared to meditation. Their teachings are described in Mahabharata and Chandogya Upanishad.
These four always observed celibacy and though Brahmaji wished them to produce off springs, they did not show any interest in procreation.
They lived in Himgiri and always remained engrossed in attaining important knowledge. We find mention of five important books of knowledge created by Sankadis. In spite of being the first principals of knowledge, they looked like children and they had the strength to go to Vaikunthlok (abode of Vishnu) along with their physical bodies.
Once, Sankadi went to Vishnulok to see Lord Vishnu. There, Vishnu’s servants Jay and Vijay did not allow them to see Vishnu. At this, Sankadi got angry and cursed them to take birth thrice as demons.
With this curse Jay was born as Hiranaksha, Ravan and Shishupal and Vijay was born as Hiranyakashyap, Kumbhkarna and Kans. Every time Lord Vishnu in his different incarnations killed them and gave them deliverance.
The “Principals of knowledge”, Sankadi are believed to be first everywhere. Without them, none of the Puranas can be started.