Usha and Aniruddha succeeded in running away from Banasur’s palace.
As soon as Banasur came to know about this he followed them with his army .
A battle was fought between Banasur and Aniruddha.
Banasur made Aniruddha his captive in the war.

Here, Krishna asked for permission from Shiva to fight against Banasur.
Banasur ordered for Aniruddha’s death as punishment.
Shri Krishna and Balram came to Shonitpur for Aniruddha’s security.
There, Krishna fought with Banasur.
Shri Krishna cut off Banasur’s thousand hands one by one and tore apart his ego.
In the end, Krishna wanted to kill him with his Sudarshan Chakra; just then Lord Shiva manifested and protected Banasur.

On Shiva, Brahma and Narad’s request, Krishna appeared in his Viraat form, then Naradji made Banasur realise the truth that Lord Shiva and Krishna were one.

Then Banasur sighted the Harihar form, mix of Krishna and Shiva.
Banasur apologized for his crime. Shri Krishna forgave him and blessed him.
All the deities got a sight of the Viraat form of Shri Krishna.
They felt lucky to get the vision and prayed to him with great devotion.