The war of Mahabharata was on. As soon as the sun rose, both sides started attacking each other. Arjun moved gradually towards Jaydrath while fighting fiercely, but the Kaurava army was diligently protecting Jaydrath. Jaydrath was very scared, knowing of Arjun’s vow’

Shri Krishna covered the sun with his power and made it seem as though the sun was setting. The Kauravas were very happy that now Arjun would have to incinerate himself, and Jayadrath came out from behind his protection in order to watch it happen.
When he was well outside their protection and within range of Arjun’s weapons, only then did Krishna uncover the sun and Arjun was able to kill Jaydrath easily.
On Jaydrath’s death, Duryodhan was enraged, and once again insulted Drona saying that he was incompetent for not being able to save Jaydrath. On being insulted, Drona got very angry and decided to go for an all-out battle. The Pandavas were concerned because of this and laid their battle plans accordingly.

Next day, in the war, Drona fought with great valour and killed many soldiers from the Pandava’s army, and also killed Draupad.
According to their plan, Bhimsen killed an elephant named Ashwathama and when Drona came to him and asked him, Yudhishthir announced that “Ashwathama is dead”- then said in a much lower tone of voice:“Either the man or the elephant.”
Drona did not hear those additional words, and thinking that his son was killed, was devastated, and no longer had any heart to fight.

Right at that moment, taking advantage of the situation, Dhrustdhruman killed Drona To take revenge for the murder of his father Drona, Ashwathama shot the dangerous Narayan astra (a missile) at the Pandavas, which terrified them.
They stood with their hands folded in front of the Narayan Astra with Krishna’s supporting them and the astra failed. Duryodhan asked Ashwathama to use the Narayan astra once more, but Ashwathama told him that it was not possible to use the weapon twice.
After Guru Drona’s death, it was decided that Karna would be appointed the chief of the Kauravas army. Shri Krishna went to Karna’s camp to meet with him, and finally revealed to him that he was in fact Kunti’s son and the Pandavas were his younger brothers. Karna was extremely upset to know this.