Born on 8:00 AM, At Asal Guruke village 40 kilometers east of Lahore
Nakshatra : Puranvasu Lagna – Dhanu / Saggitarius

Post Card dated 1st January 1918 – post jaman – Lahore – from Ramanand Sagar’s mother Isha Devi’s father Raliya Ram Bedi addressed to Ramanand Sagar’s grandfather Lala Ganga Ram – Srinagar. ” ….. My dear friend Gangaramji, by the mercy of Mahadev, today on Saturday the 29th December 1917, half an hour after sunrise a child is born to Smt. Isha Devi, He has been named CHANDRAMOULI, let the Lord bless him with long life. Om Shanthi Shanthi Shanthi. Your well wisher, Raliya Ram Bedi ……” Vakya – 15 Poh • 1974 Vikrami – Village – Asal-Guru-Ke, P. O. – Jaman, District – Lahore
Ramanand Sagar attained mukti on 12th December 2005 since Shani Dev is the mukti grah when he comes on a vahan deer. As a Dharma and Putra Rin – I never slept before he slept – I never ate my meal before he ate. Only after pressing / massaging his legs – hearing him snore – would I leave his bed side – sometimes it would be past midnight, with hours of waiting in the aisle to be sure he had slept. And not making him conscience of my very sly presence for such divine joy. Perhaps all such acts of mine softened him – relieved him – eased him – Sometimes he would show me his wounds still bleeding – still fresh – Due to his crushed childhood feelings with no childhood bliss –